Essential Data for the World’s Best Investors
Inspire your strategy with next-level data and powerful no-code analytics.
What We Do
Examples of Alternative Data
Credit Cards Transactions
Web Traffic
App Usage
Business Transactions
Web Scraping
Sentiment Analysis
Social Media
A No-code Platform Anyone Can Use
Tested on global hedge funds, private equity, data aggregators and market makers.
Traditional financial data has guided the market for over 100 years. But in the era of big data, tech unicorns, and disruptive technologies the old ways are no longer the best ways. The top investors have an edge in data and analytics. Lagoon is leveling the playing field with unprecedented access to the best data sources, powerful no-code analytics, and actionable insights.
How is Lagoon Disrupting the
Traditional Finance Industry?
Say goodbye to outdated data.
Say hello to enterprise-grade data investing.
Discover our datasets to gain insights faster, easier, and more affordably than anyone thought possible. Leverage our proprietary analytics, AI & ML models, and intuitive visualizations to generate accurate forecasts before anyone else.
Instantly merge and visualize financial and alternative data in one place to understand your investments from a new perspective, find new opportunities, and uncover hidden risks.